February 15: Meeting the Inner Explorer

meditation“There is only one journey.  Going inside yourself.”  Rainer Maria Rilke

I am having trouble reconciling Sarah’s advice to fantasize about creating a travel excursion, complete with picking up travel brochures, with going inside yourself.  I see nothing wrong with fantasizing about your dream destination, I just don’t see how that helps me to find my authentic self.

Since today’s passage doesn’t really resonate with me personally, I will share a quote that does:

“To experience peace does not mean that your life is always blissful.  It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life.”  Jill Bolte Taylor

Being able to remain calm and blissful in spite of everything happening around us is really the key to living a happy life, isn’t it?  I think I do a fairly good job of this, although like everyone, I do have times when I let external circumstances get me down.  I don’t stay in that space for long though.  I am by nature a happy and optimistic person, so for me, living authentically means maintaining a positive attitude even when the car breaks down or something doesn’t go as planned.  Life happens, to every one of us, and if we can learn to maintain our peaceful center in spite of it, what a difference it can make!

“Many marvels await discovery as we continue on the path to authenticity.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

What have you learned about yourself so far?
