January 2: “Loving the Questions”


Sarah tells us “… a year from today you could be living the most creative, joyous, and fulfilling life you could imagine.”  If you could imagine this, what would it look like?

Several months ago, I would not have been able to answer that question.  I was lost, in desperate need of a roadmap and having no idea where to find one.  As a brief explanation, a lot of things have changed for me in the last few years.  I married the love of my life. I retired from my job as chief operating officer of a law firm.  My youngest son moved away.  I had challenging health issues, including a hysterectomy, throwing my body into instant menopause.

Some of these changes were positive, some were negative, but it was a lot of changes in a short period of time.  I lost my identity.  I was no longer a mother raising her children.  I was no longer a law firm executive.  The things I had identified myself with no longer existed.  I was lost, and I felt so foolish for being unhappy with such a blessed life, I couldn’t talk to anyone about how I was feeling.

Unable to share my discouraged spirit with anyone and allowing my fears to keep me from asking the necessary questions, I poured myself into self-help books, and kept coming up with the same answer – meditation.  It was difficult at first, not accustomed to sitting still with “so much to do,” but I kept at it.  I cannot tell you what meditation has done for my spirit and my life.  By taking the time to “tune in” and listen to my heart and God’s whispers, I am finding my purpose again.  My creative energies are back.  My art studio is no longer gathering dust.  I am writing again.  I have fulfilled my lifelong dream of becoming a realtor.  And best of all, I think I am a better wife and more fun to be around.

How do you listen to your heart?  Do you have a routine that you follow to make sure that you are listening to your heart and to Divine Guidance?

I have to be honest, my meditation time is not what it should be.  I quickly become distracted by something that comes to me during meditation, and I am no longer able to sit in stillness, because I simply must go and do whatever it is that has come to me.  Nonetheless, the resulting ten minutes of meditation time makes a world of difference in my day.

Proponents of meditation declare that if you devote 30 minutes a day to meditation, you will find that you have more time, not less, because you are more focused and purposeful throughout the rest of your day.  I have to agree, as I can see what a difference ten minutes makes for me.  It sets me on the right course for the day, and everything just seems clearer.

Will you give it a try?  Will you find your place of contentment and give yourself time each day for contemplation so that you may start realizing your dreams?  Please share your experience with us so that you may inspire others.  If you are having trouble, let us know so that we can help.  If you want to ask a question anonymously, email me directly and I will post the question on your behalf.

Thanks for sharing!  Shalom!

A Transformative Year of Light and Discovery


Recently I began reading Sarah Ban Breathnach’s book, Simple Abundance:  A Day Book of Comfort & Joy.  Like so many things that I read, I discovered Sarah’s book through Oprah.  She leads us to so many books of spiritual awakening, doesn’t she?

Sarah’s book was first published in 1996, but it is still relevant today.  It is written as an inspirational daily reading.  One description notes, “Simple Abundance shows you how your daily life can be an expression of your authentic self … leading you to a happier, more fulfilling and contented way of being.”

As I began reading through her book, I started thinking how wonderful it would be if we women, as a collaborative group, read this book together beginning January first, as it is intended, and had a forum where we could share our insights from our daily readings. I would like to provide that forum here on my blog, and I hope that you all will join me.

Here is an example of what you can expect:

January 1:  “A transformative year of light and discovery.”

What a beautiful way to start our journey.  Sarah encourages us to stop procrastinating.  We live our lives as if we have a million tomorrows, but the truth is, none of us knows how much time we have for the part of our soul’s journey that involves life here on earth.

Are you a procrastinator?  I know I am.  What are we waiting for?  There are so many things I want to do!  “Only dreams give birth to change,” Sarah tells us.  “This year, instead of resolutions, write down your most private aspirations.  Those longings you have kept tucked away until the time seems right.  Trust that now is the time.”

As I sit in the beautiful studio my husband created for me, I look out at the palm trees rustling in the breeze, and I can almost smell the sea air, even though we are landlocked in the middle of the state.  It is peaceful here.  The light and shadows play on the hanging flower basket below the palm tree, and I can feel myself relax in spite of the fact that I was ready to throw an unruly computer through the window thirty minutes ago.  This is where I can find my contentment, my peace.

Can you join me in taking Sarah’s advice?  Can you take a leap of faith and believe in your dreams?  Joel Osteen tells us that God will not put a dream on our heart without giving us the ability to bring it to fruition.  What are your dreams? Will you join your sisters from across the globe as we embark on this journey together?  Where do you find your contentment?  Spend some time there, and share with us what your dreams are, and where you find your peaceful place to build those dreams in your heart.

We can spend this coming year supporting each other as we explore Simple Abundance together.  Some days, your words will lift a sister up when she is having a hard time believing.  Other days, you will be the one in need of support, and instead of sharing, you may choose to simply read the words of others and be enveloped in the warmth of friendship.  I hope you will join us as we all discover our purpose and fulfill the dreams of a purpose filled life!


P.S.  Men, please share this with the women in your life.  It is not too late to get the book for them as a beautiful Christmas gift!

You can purchase Sarah’s book in any bookstore, or on your Kindle for only $7.99!   Click here to find it on Amazon.