January 22: “The Prosperity of Living”

simplicity_sig_by_yuna2luna“There is a prosperity of living which is quite as important as prosperity of the pocketbook.  Where we were specialists in spending, we are becoming specialists in living.”  Ladies Home Journal, October 1932

Many of us are living in times that are much leaner than any we have experienced in the past.  It can be scary.  The gratitude journal can be one great way to avoid losing sight of all of the blessings you still have in your life.  Living in the moment and having faith that God will provide for our needs is another way to keep from letting financial worries control your day-to-day life.

“Like pioneers on the trail, we will learn to live by our own lights and the stars of heaven, for that is all we need.  There is no obstacle that true grit and Amazing Grace cannot overcome.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

I am grateful that my husband and I have been given the opportunity to learn about the prosperity of living with an empty pocketbook.  Don’t get me wrong, it can be very difficult at times,  but I believe that it has brought us closer and that we have both grown spiritually and learned to appreciate the simple things in life in a much fuller way.  There are many valuable lessons that have come from the financial challenges we have faced, and we wouldn’t be who we are today without them.

How have these times changed your life?


January 21: “Letting Go of Limiting Illusions”

faithCAM853EW“Today, be willing to believe that a companion spirit is leading you every step of the way, and knows the next step.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

I guess Sarah and I are on the same page after all!  Yesterday, I spoke about adding faith to Sarah’s equation, and today she is doing exactly that.

If you are one of the skeptics, I say to you this:  what have you got to lose?  If life isn’t treating you right, or if externally everything seems just grand, but for some reason you can’t put your finger on, you just aren’t happy, what is the harm in exploring the possibility that there is a Universal Spirit?  If you follow yesterday’s suggestions for finding happiness and success, it will certainly cause no harm to you or anyone else.  Why not try investing love, creative energy, perseverance and passion in yourself while living joyfully in the present, and praying with belief that your life will be enhanced exponentially?  What, my friend, do you have to lose? Give it a try, won’t you?


P.S.  If you are new to these posts, Transforming 2014 is an online book club of sorts.  We are reading Sarah Ban Breathnach’s book, Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy, together so that 2014 can be a transformative year for all of us.  Use the comment section to inspire fellow readers or share your difficulties so that we can support you.  You can find Sarah’s book on Amazon, and it is available in the Kindle version as well!

January 20: “Acres of Diamonds”

little angel“Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backyard, if you but dig for them.”  Russell H. Conwell

I can’t begin today’s post without wishing my daughter Katie a happy birthday.  Katie would be 22 today.  She left us when she was but 18 months old to join our Father in heaven, and I know that heaven is much brighter because of her beautiful big blue eyes that would light up a room.  Katie was one of the most beautiful diamonds in my life, the daughter I always dreamed of having, and I am grateful to have had her, if only for a little while.

“When we cherish our dream and then invest love, creative energy, perseverance and passion in ourselves, we will achieve authentic success.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

I personally add one more item of criteria to Sarah’s list:  prayer and faith that God will answer our prayer.  It can be difficult to believe in dreams that seem unrealistic, but that is because as ordinary human beings our dreams are unrealistic.  But if you have faith in the power of the Spirit that loves you and resides in you, nothing is impossible.  In fact, if He put the dream in your heart, you can rest assured that he will provide you with the tools to make it happen.

When you follow Sarah’s path of simple abundance, believing in yourself and your destiny, and couple it with prayer and belief, nothing and no one can stop you!  How easy is it to live fearlessly in the present moment if you believe that God will provide for you needs and always has a plan for you?

Have you ever noticed that when things seem the most hopeless, an answer or solution appears from the most unexpected place?  That is God taking care of you – He has solutions that you could never come up with on your own, no matter how hard you try – so why try so hard?  I am not saying you should sit around and wait for life to hand you everything on a silver platter, but when you cannot make something work no matter how hard you try to force it, let go and let God.  He has a plan that you could never imagine.  And it will be much better than anything you could come up with!

“For each of us there is a deeply personal dream waiting to be discovered and fulfilled … Let your imagination soar, for it is your soul’s blueprint for success.”  SBB

What dreams do you have that you let fall by the wayside because you are afraid of failure?  Will you open yourself to the possibility that the Holy Spirit put that dream on your heart for a reason, and that He wouldn’t give you a dream without the ability to make it come true?  What do you have to lose?

I hope you will share with us what dreams you are willing to reignite for yourself.  I am so excited to hear about it!


January 19: “Joy: Learning Life’s Lessons with a Light Heart”

075 “Many of us unconsciously create dramas in our minds, expecting the worst from a situation only to have our expectations become a self-fulfilling prophecy.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

Are you creating self-fulfilling prophecies with the dramas in your mind?  It is so easy to do, isn’t it?  I highly recommend Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book, Wishes Fulfilled – Mastering the Art of Manifesting.  Dr. Dyer practices what he preaches – he was diagnosed with incurable cancer which “inexplicably” disappeared.  His doctors can’t explain it, but he can!  Wouldn’t you rather create a positive self-fulfilling prophecy, like he did?

“Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy.”  SBB

Living in the present is not so easy.  We in our culture are not wired that way.  Even we Christians, who know we are not supposed to worry but should trust God, struggle with it.  We spend many a sleepless night filling our heads with what if scenarios.

Here is the bottom line:  worrying about a situation will not change the outcome.  It will only rob you of your present joy.

“You’ll discover, much to your amazement and delight, that such blessings have been waiting patiently for you to claim them all along.”  SBB

Give it a try – stop worrying and expect the best, and see what happens.  What have you got to lose?


January 18: “Beauty: Opening Our Eyes to the Beauty that Surrounds Us”

Cardinal_fGratitude + Simplicity = Harmony

Seems like a pretty simple equation, doesn’t it?  Do you find joy in the simple things?

“It is in the details of life that beauty is revealed, sustained, and nurtured.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

Sarah talks about lighting candles and using pretty goblets for dinner.  I share her appreciation for these things.  I am a “liberated” woman, but I love creating a haven for my husband to come home to.  I light all of the candles in the kitchen and family room, set a pretty table, and have wine ready to be opened when he comes in the door.  I know his day has been challenging, and I love knowing that this will be a welcome greeting for him when he arrives home..  Of course, it works both ways.  I am blessed with a husband who takes equal care in being a loving mate, which only makes me want to do more in return.

“In offering gratitude for our real lives, we discover how to change them for the better.  As we embrace simplicity, we learn that less is truly more.”  SBB

Not everyone is domestic, and you don’t have to be.  There are other ways to enjoy simplicity in life as well.  Another of my favorite things to do is to sit and admire our landscape.  Danny takes pride in our yard, and it shows.  The pool area and entire yard are filled with beautiful tropical plantings and bird feeders, and I love to just sit and take it all in.  It is especially pleasurable when a cardinal feasts in the birdfeeder outside my studio window.  It doesn’t matter how many times I see a bird in that feeder, it feels like a remarkable miracle to me every time.  Birds are often in my gratitude journal.  Not only do I feel joy in seeing God’s little miracles, but when I see a cardinal it reminds me of my grandmother.  She loved cardinals.  Actually, she was a wonderful teacher in the joy of simple things.  When I was growing up, I can remember her calling us to look out the window every time there was a full moon.  Here I am, 52 years old, and I still remember Grandma Moon gleefully pointing out a cardinal in her feeder, or calling us to look at the moon.

What are some simple things that bring you joy?  Are you teaching the young people in your life to appreciate them as well?


January 17: “Harmony: Achieving Balance in Our Lives”

Contentment“The notes I handle no better than many pianists.  But the pauses between the notes – ah, that is where the art resides.”  Artur Schnabel

Is your life like the lives of most of us, so full of responsibilities and demands on your time that you are constantly in motion with no time for quiet, reflective time?  I can remember when I was raising my children and working, I never stopped until it was time to drop into bed, so exhausted that I was asleep almost before my head hit the pillow.

“Harmony is the inner cadence of contentment we feel when the melody of life is in tune.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

So how do we find the harmony that Sarah is talking about?  How do you find time to pause?  The gratitude journal is a good starting point.  It takes but a minute to jot down the five things you are grateful for each night.  How do you get to the next level beyond that, where you actually have time for reflection to decide where you want to steer your life’s course?

“Usually, when the distractions of daily life deplete our energy, the first thing we eliminate is the thing we need the most:  quiet, reflective time.”  SBB

I am so happy to be reading this right now.   Building my new real estate business, there have been more 14-hour days than not, and rarely has there been a day, weekends included, that I did not work.  I have been telling myself this is what you do when you are building a business and when you are passionate about something, and I do believe that, but unfortunately I have not been allowing myself any time for feeding my soul.  I can’t remember the last time I was in my studio or read a book not related to my business (other than Sarah’s book of course!).  I am okay with working really hard to be successful in my business and take good care of my clients, but I also know that if I don’t take care of me, in the end everyone loses.

“Above all, we must learn how to pause.”  SBB

This reminds me that even in the midst of my hectic days, I can have pauses between the notes.  I can turn off the radio while driving to meetings to find some time for reflection.  I can be more present when performing household tasks, feeding my spirit while completing them.  And I can allow myself a couple of evenings a week when I turn the business off and enjoy my loved ones and everything that surrounds me, so many blessings.

Share with us what is working for you to find your inner harmony, or post your challenges so that we can offer our help.


January 16: “A Sense of Order: Cultivating Contentment”

getcleanadforrealtors“Order is the shape upon which beauty depends.”  Pearl Buck

What kind of order is there in your home?  What was I saying yesterday about depression and not caring about the “shoulds” that surround you when you are feeling low?  Have you ever noticed that everything around you seems to be in a shambles when you are out of sync?  It is a good signal to pay attention to your inner spirit and determine what your soul is trying to tell you.

“Invite Divine Order into your life today and a more serene tomorrow will unfold”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

An item on my list for 2014 is to go through my entire home to put everything in strict order.  As a creative, I tend to be a little lax in this area at times, and just as being out of sync can create disarray in our environment, I think that having disarray in our environment can also cause us to be out of sync.

 “We can tap into [a] powerful source of creative energy when we are willing to gradually cultivate a sense of order as to how we conduct our daily affairs.”  SBB

This is so true, isn’t it?  But how do you find order when you are internally out of sync?  For me, I know when I am out of sync I need to take some quiet time to read, reflect, meditate.  Reading restores my spirit and the quiet time helps me to hear what message my soul is trying to send me.  Stopping to give gratitude helps too.  Appreciating the simple things.  Lighting candles.  Feeling the Holy Spirit in everything I do.  Being present.

What rituals do you have to recapture your sanity when life becomes full of disarray?  Share your ideas with us!


January 15: Simple Gifts: Embracing Simplicity”

Dandelion“When we appreciate how much we have, we feel the urge to pare down, get back to basics, and learn what is essential for our happiness.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

Sara’s words are so true.  For me, the last couple of years have been transformative ones.  I would have found them extremely difficult were I not doing the work I have been doing on this spiritual path I am on.

For as long as I can remember, back to my first memories at age three or four, I wanted to be a mother.  That is all I ever wanted to be.  I never thought about a career, other than knowing that I wanted to write, but I always thought about being a mother.  And once I became a mother, I loved every minute of raising my beautiful children.

In 2012 I turned 50.  My two sons are grown and on their own, and my daughter is in heaven.  The raising of my children, the only thing I ever really thought about doing in my younger years, is done.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I retired from my career as chief operating officer of a law firm in 2010.

After retiring, I found myself feeling isolated and not enjoying the time at home like I thought I would.  In 2011 I decided to go back to work and accepted a position as executive director of a non-profit organization.  I knew immediately that it had been the wrong decision and left the position after just two days.  This left me feeling like a failure, and I became very depressed.

“Trust that through the balm of simplicity your frazzled and weary soul can discover the place where you ought to be.”  SBB

The great thing about depression is that you don’t care about what you think you “should” be doing, and so you give yourself the time to do the work you really need to do.  I sought answers and solace through prayer, meditation, and in many spiritual self-help books, including Sarah’s book that we are reading together now, and I learned about the things that are most important to me.

When I prioritized what is most important to me, I was shocked to realize that none of those things were getting much of my attention.  What an eye opener that was!  For instance, if my relationship with my husband is most important to me, why was I not spending more time and energy on that?  Or on my grandchildren, parents and other loved ones?

“True simplicity as a conscious life choice illuminates our lives from within.”  SBB

How liberating! I am so grateful that God led me to make a huge error in judgment in job choice, which led me down this path of self-discovery.  Do you see where we can even find gratitude for things that we think are “bad” things that have happened to us?  As a result of that choice, I spent many quiet days really thinking about what was important to me.  Today, working in the real estate career I have dreamed of for two decades, I know how important it is to make a conscious effort to keep my priorities in line.  A real estate career is a lot of hard work and can be worked 24/7 if you aren’t careful.  I do work a lot of 14-hour days, but I am always conscious of making sure that I take the time for what is truly important in my life:  my loved ones.

What positive changes can you make in your life if you take the time to discover the true seeds of your deep spiritual contentment and give them priority?  Let us know how you make out!


January 14: “The Gratitude Journal”

Gratitude2“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.  Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”  Melody Beattie

Oprah Winfrey credits Sarah with introducing her to the gratitude journal.  Since Sarah’s book’s release in 1996, Oprah has kept her daily gratitude journal and credits it with having a significant impact on her life.  I don’t think anyone can contest the fact that Oprah has done amazingly well for herself and has helped millions of others in the process!

“You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life.  And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law:  the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

Many spiritual leaders teach us this law.  We need to show we can appreciate and be responsible for what we already have before we will be trusted with more.  And of course there is the law of attraction:  if you are grateful and expect great things, that is what will come back to you!

“Simplicity, order, harmony, beauty and joy – all the other principles that can transform your life will not blossom and flourish without gratitude.”  SBB

If you have not started your gratitude journal yet, will you start one with us now?  Let us know how it has impacted you and bless your fellow readers with your insight!

“Begin this day to explore and integrate this beautiful, life-affirming principle into your life, and the miracle you have been seeking will unfold to your wonder and amazement.” SBB

Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?


P.S.  If you are new to these posts, Transforming 2014 is an online book club of sorts.  We are reading Sarah Ban Breathnach’s book, Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy, together so that 2014 can be a transformative year for all of us.  Use the comment section to inspire fellow readers or share your difficulties so that we can support you.  You can find Sarah’s book on Amazon, and it is available in the Kindle version as well!

January 13: “Gratitude: Awakening the Heart”

Gratitude“The eyes of my eyes are opened.”  E.E. Cummings

I love Sarah’s words for today.  If your gratitude journal contains entries like Sarah’s here:  daisies in a jelly jar, the smell of her daughter’s hair … how could financial lack maintain its vice grip on your spirit and your life?  Isn’t it beautiful to realize that our inner happiness and joy need not be controlled by things we cannot control?

As I sit here in my art studio, I hear the birds singing their beautiful song outside my window.  They’ve been singing to me for an hour now, since 5 am!  Do you ever wonder how birds rise so early with so much joy that they simply must sing with delight?

How do you rise in the morning?  I have to admit, I am not innately a morning person.  Until recently, if I had to rise before 8:00, I did not rise cheerfully.  But I have learned what a difference you can make in your day if you rise with a cheerful spirit, regardless of the discomfort of the hour.  It makes me a different person, and I am sure my husband appreciates the change.  Today, with my gratitude journal in mind, the first thought in my head before my feet hit the floor were, “Lord, thank you for another beautiful day.”  Regardless of what the day has in store for me, I know that the experience will be so much better by making this one simple change!

How do you start your day?  Has it changed since reading Sarah’s book and sharing this blog with your sisters?  How have the changes you’ve made impacted your life?  Inspire us all by sharing with us!
