“Give yourself the gift of one hour a day to journey within.” Sarah Ban Breathnach
This sounds like a luxury that would be hard to achieve to me, and I am sure it does to most of you as well. I absolutely agree with Sarah though.
“You need enough breathing space to allow your heart to ponder what is precious.” SBB
I started small, getting up 15-30 minutes early to have time for prayer and meditation before jumping head-first into my day. I can tell you unequivocally that it makes a tremendous difference in how my day goes and what I am able to accomplish. This quiet time helps me to set the stage for the day, and I find myself being much more present in each moment when I start my day this way.
“If you go deep enough, often enough, something good is bound to come back to you.” SBB
Will you give it a try? Let us know how it goes!