February 11: “Divine Discontent: Learning to Live by Your Own Lights”

Psychic-Energy“Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness.”  Shakti Gawain

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were unhappy, and you felt guilty for feeling that way because you knew how blessed you were?  A few years ago, while still working as chief operating officer of a wonderful Lakeland law firm, I felt that way.  I was so full of discontent, and I struggled for a couple of years over what to do about it.  It was a wonderful firm, full of wonderful people, and I was compensated very well.  How could I be unhappy about all of that?  But it wasn’t any of those things that were making me unhappy; it was the fact that I wasn’t where I belonged any more.  There was a time when I did belong there, but I had outgrown it.

“What is going on is part of the process.  I call it Divine Discontent.  It is the grit in the oyster before the pearl.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

I have learned that there is a difference between being grateful and listening to your inner voice when it is telling you that it is time to make a change.  If we were always happy about our current situation, we would never grow.  Without that “divine discontent,” we would not move on to the next chapter that life has planned for us.  Had I not felt that discontent while I was living in Upstate New York, I would not be in beautiful Lakeland, Florida right now.  I shudder to think of it!

“Be very careful to safeguard your newly recovering artist.  Often, creativity is blocked by our falling in with other people’s plans for us.”   Julia Cameron

I am very blessed to have a husband who supports whatever my inner spirit is leading me to do.  That is why I am able to be a realtor today.  What is your inner spirit asking you to do today?  Will you ask for it and claim it as Sarah suggests?  Your fellow readers are here to support you.  Let us know how you make out!


February 10: “Creating an Authentic Lifestyle for Yourself and Those You Love”

peace“Turning away from the world and toward your own happiness is the path of authenticity.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

Oh, how I wish someone had made this book a requirement for ninth grade English.  Can you imagine learning these lessons about being your authentic self when you were a young teen?

“When you learn what you can live without, you are able to ask life for the very best because you possess the gift of discernment.”  SBB

I agree with Sarah’s quote.  Like many people in the last few years, my financial situation has been less lucrative than it once was.  I have learned so much through the experience.  I am so much less wasteful today than I was previously.  I am almost embarrassed to admit some things, like how I would replace a pair of mildly worn shoes without even trying to scrub them clean first.  Eating out more times than not with no thought to what we were spending.  We were frivolous in so many ways.  Having to pay attention to our spending has taught me so many lessons.  I like myself better now.  I am proud of being more fiscally responsible.

It may seem like a simple thing, but I think we live in such a wasteful society, and I am ashamed to say I was very guilty of being an active participant in that improvident culture.  Living with less has definitely given me the gift of discernment.  Today would be a perfect example.  I needed a new camera for my business.  In the past, I would have gone to one store, bought the best one they had without a blink, and left the store without any comparison shopping.  Today, I researched the cameras available and decided on the one that would provide what I needed within a certain price range.  I then left the store, researched reviews online to ensure its quality, and checked pricing for that camera at multiple locations.  It was $30 cheaper if I drove a few miles north to Best Buy.  I humbly admit that in the past I would have convinced myself that my time was worth more than the $30.  Today, I drove to Best Buy.

“It’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.”  Somerset Maugham

Developing patience also allows you to truly enjoy the rewards when they come in a way that you can’t appreciate when you live a life of instant gratification.  Last week I went shoe shopping for the first time in three years, and I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it.  I made a day of it, taking my parents with me on a road trip to DSW in Tampa, followed by lunch at International Mall.  I have wanted to take them there for years, but I never made it happen.  Suddenly, through the beauty of this transformative experience, life is becoming more meaningful.  I hope it is doing the same for you.


February 9: A Fresh Canvas Every Twenty-Four Hours

94857135873008921_cZoVDmYi_c“Today, don’t rush through your inner preparations as you get ready to set down a piece of your soul on life’s canvas.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

Sarah talks about all of the preparatory steps necessary to live our lives authentically.  Quieting our minds in meditation, using the discovery journal, and becoming aware of our true preferences are some examples she gives.  The other day I spoke about how I was able to calm myself from becoming stressed when rushing in fear of being late.  Recently while sitting in meditation, I realized that I was wound up so tight I would spin like a top if you let me loose.  My shoulders were hunched up around my chin, arms tight and hands in fists.  What was that?  By taking this time, I realized there were some things going on that I needed to pay attention to.

“…our preparation won’t have been in vain.”  SBB

I realized after that day’s meditation that I am allowing the world around me to infiltrate my peaceful existence.  This led to the realization that I need to figure out how to be in the world without the world being in me.  Everyone is in a hurry.  Everyone is stressed.  They are not with me on this transformation journey.  It takes a constant awareness and being present in each and every moment to keep their negative force from penetrating my soulful state.  With some people, their presence is so intense it requires a lot of effort on my part to keep that undesirable aura at bay, but I have learned that it can be done!  Not only that, but often my peaceful state can penetrate and effect change in their stressed out being.  How wonderful is that?  As I continue on this journey to discover my authentic self, I have learned that this is another reason for my being, to bring peace to others and make them smile.  I am working on making that happen, one beautiful spirit at a time.


February 8: “You Are an Artist”

art“Inside you there’s an artist you don’t know about … Say yes quickly, if you know, if you’ve known it from before the beginning of the universe.”  Jalai Ud-Din Rumi

I’ve known it.  I’ve known it for as long as I can remember.  But like Sarah says, I felt uncomfortable thinking of myself that way for most of my life.  I was a quirky, insecure kid, always afraid to be myself, afraid of being different.  I always had creative passion.  In high school, I really wanted to take shop and art.  I didn’t have the confidence to take an art class.  I was afraid I wouldn’t be good enough.  And back then, shop wasn’t a requirement for girls, and in fact, no “cool” girls would have dreamed of entering that dirty, greasy world where the “burnouts” hung out.  I didn’t understand that participating in something like that, something that was considered far from mainstream, was cool.

“With every choice, every day, you are creating a unique work of art.  Something that only you can do.  The reason you were born was to leave your own indelible mark on your personal world.  This is your authenticity.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

The beauty of growing up is learning that our uniqueness is cool.  It takes some of us much longer than others.  I finally took a painting class when I was in my late 30s, and discovered I wasn’t half bad with some guidance on how to get started.  But it wasn’t until my late 40s that I really began to appreciate the coolness of my uniqueness.  I may be a bit quirky, but I have discovered that I am not so unorthodox compared to my business contemporaries as I once thought.  I think we all have a bit of quirkiness inside of us, and I know I for one really appreciate – no, enjoy – the quirkiness in others.  It is so much more entertaining than someone too straight-laced, isn’t it?  Your unique work of art may not be art in the way we think of it, but whatever your unique gifts are, they are art, for they are something that exists only because of you.

“If you are willing to step out in faith and take a leap in the dark, you will discover that your choices are as authentic as you are.  What is more, you will discover that your life is all it was meant to be:  a joyous sonnet of thanksgiving.”  SBB

What are your special gifts?  Are you using them to become your most authentic self?  If not, 2014 is a great time to start!


February 7: An Artist Is Someone Who Creates

338“Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how … The artist never entirely knows.  We guess.  We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark.”  Agnes DeMille

Have you ever walked into a party, and someone was dressed in a way that you had wanted to dress, but you didn’t because you felt unsure?  Recently I saw Brene Brown in an interview with Oprah, and Brene talked about the boots she was wearing and how she almost didn’t wear them, because she was afraid that people would think that she thought she was “all that” for wearing them.  I was so grateful to her for being so honest, because I can’t tell you how many times I have not worn something because I thought someone would think I was trying to be something or someone I wasn’t.  To hear Brene share this made a world of difference for me.  Suddenly I was no longer afraid to wear whatever my spirit wanted to wear.  How liberating!

“Today, take a real risk that can change your life:  start thinking of yourself as an artist and your life as a work in progress.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

I read a billboard outside a church recently that said, “Faith is taking the first step even though you can’t see where the stairway leads.”  When I spoke the other day about my life being its best when I have been quiet and listened to where I was being led, this is exactly what I was talking about.  A perfect example would be in 2005, when I decided to move to Florida.  I had no idea how I was going to make this happen.  I was a single mom.  I had a house to sell, and I couldn’t imagine selling it and packing up my house and moving it all to Florida – it was especially overwhelming since I had just moved into and renovated that house one year before!  But I knew in my heart that I was being led to do just that.  People told me I was crazy.  Jobs were hard to find.  Houses in central Florida were selling as fast as they were put on the market – how would I find one when I was so far away?  I didn’t listen to them though – I moved forward in faith, one step at a time.  I didn’t know how I was going to do it all, I only knew that this was what I was being led to do.  And as you can guess, it all went as smoothly as it possibly could have gone.  I emailed my resume to a law firm in Lakeland and got an immediate response – “You have perfect timing.  When can you come for an interview?”  The day I was flying down for the interview, a buyer signed a contract on my house.  The day I flew down to look at houses, the perfect house for me went on the market.  The entire process was effortless, as I moved forward one step at a time, confident in the knowing that I was doing what God wanted me to do.

“The beautiful, authentic life you are creating for yourself and those you love is your art.  It’s the highest art.”  SBB

What art are you creating?  Share it with us!


February 6: Remaking Your Own World

baby-jesus-0102“I have made my world and it is a much better world than I ever saw outside.”  Louise Nevelson

Sarah tells us that we need to restore a sense of rhythm to our lives.  I am working hard to do just that, but I’m afraid I am not there yet.  I am a work in progress, especially with my new real estate career.  I am working long hours to take excellent care of my clients and make this new career a success.  At the same time, my creative pursuits – writing, art, and music – are so important to me, and I need to make time for those things, as well as time with my loved ones.  I haven’t seen my grandsons in over a week, and my studio is sitting with clay pendants waiting for their necklaces to be made.  My piano and guitars … don’t even want to go there.

“Restoring rhythm to the way you conduct your affairs can bring you contentment and a sense of well-being that will nurture and sustain you when the cares of the world can’t be left behind.”

I had this conversation with my friend Eunice today.  She was talking about how taking an hour or two with a girlfriend can restore her spirit, so that when she returns home, she feels rejuvenated, like a new person.  I had that same experience recently.  With all I have on my plate, it has been a long time since I’ve taken time to be with girlfriends.  But recently I realized it was the birthday of a friend who lives alone with no family nearby, and I took the evening off from working to take her to dinner.  I did it for her, but I think I benefitted more than she did!  It was a must needed respite from all of the work I have been doing, and the evening left me feeling thoroughly recharged.  I didn’t realize how much I had been missing girl time!

We all need to determine what is important to us, and what we need to “say no” to, but for those of us who have so many interests, restoring rhythm can be especially challenging.  Do you have a secret for organizing your life in such a way that you can “do it all?”  If you do, I hope you’ll share it with us!


February 5: “The World Is Too Much With Us”

Listentoyourheart“Today, deliberately turn away from the world … Begin, instead, to listen for the whisper of your authentic self telling you which way to go.”  Sarah Ban Breathnach

I had a meeting with my mentor, Maria, this morning.  Maria is an amazing woman, and we have found ourselves to be “birds of a feather,” like minded and spiritually connected in many ways.  Maria gave me some advice this morning that is well suited here.  She suggested sitting quietly each Monday morning, in silence, being still enough to hear the voice of God whisper to you what you should be focusing on that week, and whom you should be in contact with.  I know that it works, because she does it, and every time she has reached out to me, she has had perfect timing!

 “We are always being shown the next step of our uniquely personal journey.”  SBB

It is so easy to get caught up in the business of life, and the urgency of everything that must be done.  Even as I write this blog every day, I am a work in progress.  This morning, as I was getting ready for my day, I found myself feeling rushed, worried about making my meeting on time.  Then suddenly, as I was going through the process of making my morning tea, I reminded myself to focus on being present, and a peace washed over me.  A voice whispered, “Calm down, relax, it’s alright.  Everything is fine.”  I was able to relax, enjoy my morning routine, and made it to my meeting early!

 “Only when the clamor of the outside world is silenced will you be able to hear the Deeper Vibration.”  SBB

There have been very distinct times in my life when I was quiet enough to listen to where I was being led, and each and every time, my life couldn’t have gone better.  I am going to follow Maria’s advice, but on a daily basis.  I will be listening very carefully.  How about you?


P.S.  If you are new to these posts, Transforming 2014 is an online book club of sorts.  We are reading Sarah Ban Breathnach’s book, Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy, together so that 2014 can be a transformative year for all of us.  Use the comment section to inspire fellow readers or share your difficulties so that we can support you.  You can find Sarah’s book on Amazon, and it is available in the Kindle version as well!

February 4: “The Authentic Self is the Soul Made Visible”

LightBulb“My business is not to remake myself, but make the absolute best of what God made.”  Robert Browning

Sarah shares with us how Julia Cameron refers to prayer as switching on “spiritual electricity.”  I love what she says about the electricity being turned on when she asked, but that she stayed in the dark when she didn’t ask.

This is a good reminder for all of us.  Personally, I tend not to “ask.”  I pray like crazy for my loved ones, but I don’t ask for much for myself, fearing that it would be selfish to do so.  I do the positive thinking and recitations to myself before I go to sleep, but I don’t ask God for things that I am dreaming about.

Why is that?  Is this part of my issue of always trying to be a pleaser, not wanting to bother anyone, including God?  I am going to try Sarah’s suggestion.  I am going to begin turning on the light today with prayers for my daily life.  I am excited to see what God has in store for me, and how this will bring me closer to my authentic self that He created me to be!  Will you try it with me?


February 3: “Discovering Your Authentic Self”

signs20313“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”  Oscar Wilde

Sarah talks about the calm, reassuring confidence we can experience when we allow ourselves to be our authentic selves.  As we are discovering, it is possible to become our authentic selves, but it takes time and effort.  It takes being present.  Present in the little things, and present in the big things.  Meditation.  Appreciating nature.  Taking the dog for a walk.   Dealing with loss and disappointment.

While walking my dog today, something came to me without any effort on my part.  I was just walking, enjoying the beautiful day.  But the difference was, instead of trying to hurry up and get the walk over with so that I could get back to work, I was present, enjoying the experience.  With that being present, I was hearing the whispers of my inner voice.

As I am becoming more in touch with my authentic self, I am trying to be healthier too.  Cutting foods out of my diet that do not do anything positive for my body, like processed foods, wheat and dairy.  I’ve started juicing.  As I follow this Simple Abundance path, I have more respect for who I am, and with that respect comes a desire to take better care of myself.  Not eating processed foods, or foods with preservatives in them, means taking more time for food preparation, but that allows me time to enjoy being in my beautiful kitchen, enjoying the process of the preparation.  Being present.

“Watch.  Wait.  Time will unfold and fulfill its purpose.  While we wait, we must not go unconscious.  We must think and grow.  Rejoice and dream, but kneel and pray.  There is holiness in the air today; we are giving birth to goddesses.”  Marianne Williamson


February 2: Knowing What You Love

kitchen2“Perhaps loving something is the only starting place there is for making your life your own.”  Alice Koller

I like Sarah’s suggestions for window shopping to discover our style.  When it comes to personal style in the home, I don’t need to window shop to figure out my style there.  I know who I am and what I like.  The picture posted here comes from my kitchen, and it shows a lot of who I am in this one shot – I love color.  I love the color and warmth that comes from pottery, candles, fruit in a bowl.  I am a musician (as is my husband) and have pieces throughout the house that can attest to that fact, like in this print on the wall.

When it comes to clothing, I am not as clear as I used to be.  Interestingly, I read a blog recently here http://wordpress.com/read/post/id/61426429/27/ that talks about looking in your closet and finding your “go to” items to discover your style.  My problem – there is nothing in my closet that really feels like me.  Everything I buy, I buy to please someone else – business clothes for the law firm where I used to work; dresses because Mary Kay says consultants are supposed to wear dresses; “gig” clothes for how I thought I should dress to impress when I was playing out … you get the idea.  The one thing in my closet that really feels like me?  A pair of faded holey jeans.  I don’t think I can wear them to sell real estate though – I do have to be professional, even if I am being my authentic self!

I haven’t shopped in a long time because I’ve been “on the wagon.”  I am excited to take Sarah’s suggestion to go window shopping and find my style, so that when I am able to shop I’ll know what to buy that suits the authentic me instead of who I think everyone expects me to be.  Will you join me?


P.S.  If you are new to these posts, Transforming 2014 is an online book club of sorts.  We are reading Sarah Ban Breathnach’s book, Simple Abundance:  A Daybook of Comfort and Joy, together so that 2014 can be a transformative year for all of us.  Use the comment section to inspire fellow readers or share your difficulties so that we can support you.  You can find Sarah’s book on Amazon, and it is available in the Kindle version as well!